Survival Guide to Liver Biopsies

Liver pathology requires patience and attention to detail. While a thorough microscopic examination is necessary, it is not enough, and evaluation of biopsies in a vacuum can be dangerous. Knowledge of the clinical picture, including laboratory and imaging studies, is imperative. Without such correlation, pathologists cannot issue a clinically useful report to guide a patient’s diagnosis and treatment plan.

With this survival guide to liver biopsies, we aim to provide the reader with a solid, basic foundation of liver pathology. Our goal is to reduce the pervasive initial anxiety and guide the readers into reaching accurate diagnoses and building on this basic knowledge.

Though diagnostic struggles are common, they often turn into satisfying rewards each time we are able to piece together the puzzle. This book will pave the way to practice liver pathology.

Kiyoko Oshima, M.D.
Lysandra Voltaggio, M.D.
Eds: Elizabeth Montgomery, M.D., and Michael Torbenson, M.D.


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